For the upcoming 2016 elections, our membership has voted to endorse the following candidates: Ohio Supreme Court- Judges O’Donnell and Rice; Second District Court of Appeals- Judges Tucker, Hall, and Donovan; Twelfth District Court of Appeals- Judges Piper and Powell; Butler County Common Pleas- Magistrate Stephens; Butler County Common Pleas, Juvenile- Judge Romans; Darke County Common Pleas- Judge Hein; Greene County Common Pleas- Judge Buckwalter; Greene County Common Pleas, Juvenile- Judge Tornicio; Montgomery County Clerk of Courts Greg Brush; Montgomery County Common Pleas- Judge Wiseman; Montgomery County Common Pleas, Juvenile Division- Judge Capizzi; Warren County Clerk of Courts-James Spaeth; Warren County Common Pleas- Judge Tepe; Warren County Common Pleas, Domestic Relations- Judge Kirby.